Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tracing An Email Tricks - The Importance Of Tracing An Email

The Internet has created many important tools for personal and business users including email. Unfortunately spammers have also abused emails, and those wishing to hide behind them in order to spread gossip, undermine business dealings and communicate in secret. It becomes necessary to trace an email in order to find the source of the email especially where a crime has been committed using email.

Email trace reports can be used to provide such information as city, state, country, the general longitude and latitude and quite possibly th
street or area of the origin of the email.

Trace email services can help individuals trace any email that originates from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the U.S.A., and the UK among other countries.

Emails although they are fast and seemingly to disappear as soon as you press the send button, linger on company computers; on servers and on the receiver's computer, just waiting to be discovered by a trace. Emails that individuals send while at work actually are the property of the company and even if the individual has deleted the email, the company can obtain a backup copy.

Emails are often used as evidence, which speaks of the importance of tracing them. A good example would be the emails used in Microsoft's anti-trust case where four-year old emails were recovered and used as evidence.

Tracings can become difficult if the sender is using an Internet Proxy. This can however be overcome by detecting the proxy and still returning a correct location. Another situation, which makes a trace difficult, is if the sender is using a dial-up Internet connection over a long-distance telephone call. In these cases it is still possible to get an accurate trace if the individual's ISP allows users access from anywhere in the country by routing the connection over the telephone network first, this way the correct country still will show up but the city or town will not. This will make the location less accurate but you will still get the correct country of origin. If the ISPs have expanded and have a new batch of numbers it may take a few weeks for the new numbers to be recorded which may throw off the results of the trace (this is rare). Despite these difficulties email traces are still an important part of dealing with email fraud and misuse.

Sophia Munoz is a journal writer who is versed into new gadgets. She has written hundreds of articles for specialized magazines and article directories. If you want to discover more about how to do a reverse email search, visit us for the latest tips! Also learn how to send anonymous emails to your boss...laugh guaranteed!