Friday, July 20, 2007

How to Start a Cusomer Loyalty Program

You can begin a customer loyalty program at any time. The most successful programs, although, come after you have established customers who begin to purchase more then once. To begin your program you must first decide what type of incentive to offer your customers and get the word out on your site and in your marketing efforts. Let each visitor to your site know about the program and tell them you will do everything in your power to keep them happy, satisfied and even throw in a little reward for staying with you.

Customers who shop on your site need to be given a little something extra in order to keep them coming back to increase your sales. If you have a successful business, adding a program like this will help increase sales and build your reputation. You don't have to offer a high reward, either. Sometimes a small token is enough to generate more business. Think about what you would like to offer and how it can be delivered to the customer.

Typical customer rewards include coupons that can be redeemed for free merchandise, discounted merchandise, or other type of promotion. Making people visit your site is the goal of offering free merchandise. Chances are customers who receive these offers will visit your site and purchase additional items. Other ideas include their name entered into a drawing, free shipping, extra items, or free information, tips, or advice.

When starting a customer loyalty program, you should decide what you want to offer and when you want to start offering these items. Advertising the program on your website or through exterior medium such as email, blogs, newsletters. These are all great ways to spread the word so customers will know that they are valued and are eligible to participate in the program.

Once you have started your program, you will have to find a way to track customer orders so they will be able to receive their free items. Placing numbers on coupons, keeping close records on customer orders, and putting a time limit on when coupons and other certificates can be redeemed are all ways for you to track the success of your program and to ensure that customers receive what they deserve.

After you launch your new program, start tracking it to see how many people are taking advantage of it. You may need to make adjustments as to what you are offering, how often, and to which customers. When outlining the rules of a customer loyalty program, you should not become too complex. Set a monetary amount, number of orders placed, and frequency of rewards so customers will know exactly what they need to do in order to qualify. Customer loyalty programs are effective when they are easy to understand by the customer.

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