Thursday, May 21, 2009

Renegade Network Marketing - Here's A Quick Way To Solve Your MLM Lead Problem

Want to know why newsletter advertising is the best kept secret in network marketing? We reveal some startling facts in this informative guide.

Attraction marketing is certainly the "hot model" among the new wave of network marketers today. It just makes sense, attract only those looking for what you have to offer.Renegade network marketers have been tuning into the power of the internet as a fertile lead generation source and many are experiencing the difference in the quality of prospects. It makes a difference when
a prospect actually seeks you out instead of you virtually harassing someone to the point of coming across as a desperate marketer.While building an internet presence for you network marketing business is important - website, blog, Web 2.0 real estate, don't forget there are other powerful advertising mediums you can take advantage of which when done right, can draw prospects into your network marketing business like a magnet.Newsletter AdvertisingOne of these is newsletter advertising and it was one of the prime modes of promoting offers several years ago. The truth is, despite the new wave of Web 2.0 internet, newsletter advertising is still an extremely powerful attracting marketing process.However, there are a couple of important aspects you need to be aware of before parting with your hard-earned cash.One of the biggest mistakes advertisers make is placing their ad in newsletters plastered with a "million" other advertisements. Not very effective.For maximum exposure and benefit, you need to stand out from the crowd and there are two solutions to achieve this. The first is:- placing a solo ad and- putting yourself in front of the right audienceThat's it. A solo ad is extremely effective but when it's placed in a newsletter in front of a targeted audience that is, an audience looking for what you have to offer, the response can be magnetic.A solo ad is effective on it's own because there are no other competing ads within it, but when it's placed in a newsletter catering to people looking for a home business, and who are regular subscribers to it, then you have a fertile lead generation source.Renegade network marketers like the idea of attraction marketing because the prospects who come into their funnel are generally from free traffic. Don't underestimate the power of newsletter advertising.
About the Author Want to put your network marketing lead generation on steroids? Read this free report The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing. Then join the top 5% network marketers making money by learning how to dramatically improve your sponsor rate!