Saturday, June 13, 2009

How To Make Money - Death Of The Middle Class

I searched for many years trying to learn how to make money around the world. In every country I lived and worked, I saw many differences, but some surprising things in common. One thing in common is that the gap between kings, queens and peasants has closed, almost universally. Royalty has all but disappeared - but the poor have kept on being poor. The middle class arose in the waves of industrialization and assumed a large role in their economies, while the working classes and poor still remained the major part of the population. As the tw
ntieth century drew to a close, the heat was on to eliminate the middle class, the rich became fewer percentage wise as populations grew, but much richer, while the poor got poorer and the middle class struggled to survive and maintain its position in economic society. How do the rich do it? Good question and deserves an answer.

The mechanisms by which the rich could accumulate wealth became more and more efficient, as they paid less and less in taxes, while the poor struggled to survive (as usual) and the middle class was taxed to death. How many executives do you know who have lost almost all their benefits, 401K, medical insurance, company car, year-end bonus, etc. And even when they had them, their perks were taxed to the hilt.

How much does a business person pay on "perks"? You should know the answer is almost nothing. "Perks" are legitimate business expenses and tax deductible!

Just a personal observation, I'm no social scientist - but I was not surprised when Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump came out with their excellent book entitled, "Why We Want You to be Rich". They lay out, more eloquently than I, the multiple reasons for this world-wide trend and make a sobering and clear argument that the middle-class JOB (Just Over Broke) is on its way out. How many jobs have been outsourced from the West to Asia? Not only that, but the trend is for more and more middle class Americans to discover that a corporate career does not offer any answers. Period.

Since the job and corporate America go hand in hand and jobs are vanishing at an alarming rate, then the only way to secure and maintain life style, income level, and enjoyment of life is to turn toward the small home based business.

Home based business is booming like never before. I'm told there are more laptops and Macs in the Rocky Mountains than there are in New York City. No stats on that, but it does show a strong trend away from traffic, commuting, smog, bosses, and long hours, if not days, away from the family and loved ones. How do you feel about home, work, and jobs?

I remember my years as an exec. I used to think I was special. I had a business card that said I was. I had a secretary at the door to screen (really protect) me from intruders. I had the power! That is until Friday came along at 5p.m. You know what happened - I joined the ranks of amazed and shocked, "How could they be so stupid?" and other stronger terms. But I comforted myself with, "They'll see - I'll have a better job within weeks."

How long did it really take? You know the answer, and that was a few decades ago. Today, the situation is a hundred or a thousand times more difficult. Friends of mine, who are far more qualified than I, have been looking for months and years, and found nothing.

And that's even taking into account that the government made a small slip in their calculations. It seems that this recession didn't start in December '08 - it was really December '07. Oh, really!? My last conventional business (real estate and mortgages) started to dive in December '05. Mind you, that was South Florida!

All that said and done, it looks like the only way to improve your situation and look forward to better years ahead, is to start your own business. What business? I'm glad you asked - because you have to be very wary and very careful - not just any old business.

Conventional business is out! No high cost office space, no staff, no inventory to carry, no heavy marketing budget, no distribution, no franchise fees. Can you imagine the risk involved in these start ups today? No way!

The world has turned against heavy leviathan businesses like GM and IBM. It's the little, nimble guys who have the edge. Look at how many household name companies were set up less than a decade ago starting from a garage! You get the point?

The only safe way is to learn how to start your own business on the internet. The internet continues to grow at a firm gallop. It is so huge it cannot slow down, even if you wanted it to.

You can learn how to make money with an internet business with very little investment, very low ongoing costs, and you already have your computer. (how else would you be reading this?) That said, the potential is there to make thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions. There are individuals out there who are making tens of millions every year! Why don't you know who they are? They're under the radar - I could name names, but why should they want the attention?

Bottom line is this. If you really want a better life for you and your loved ones, then you had better learn how to make money on the internet. I use a system developed by a team of brilliant programmers and marketers that shows you step-by-step how to make money, make a little fast, and make a lot of money in the long term. You need to know this is not a get-rick-quick, fast-money scam and requires some work to set it up. Once it's up and running, though, you can start to enjoy the free time and money you always deserved.

You do want more money AND more free time, don't you?

You need to check it out. Get over there, right now!

If you want to fight back, eliminate debt, and find financial freedom then this is the place to be.


Thank you.
R. Neill is committed to combating our lack of knowledge that keeps us chained to jobs, bills, and debt.