Saturday, March 14, 2009

Do You Like Your Internet Marketing Or Home Based Business Opportunity? If Not, Here\'s What To Do.

Why do some people seem to enjoy their internet and home based business opportunities more than others? Have you found yourself joining an opportunity, only to find that you have lost interest in working it - or worse, even dreading working it? This article sheds some light on how to be sure that you will enjoy working at an internet or home based business opportunity.

Copyright (c) 2009 Kathleen Tremblay

It seems like a simple enough thing: You see a home based business opportunity or an internet marketing business op
ortunity that pays a pretty good commission. You like the people involved. You join the opportunity. You get your training. You get to work. All in all, you feel you just joined the best affiliate marketing program in the world.

It's fine for the first week, after all, you are pretty excited about the home based business opportunity you just joined, right? Or, if it is an internet marketing business opportunity, you've watched all the tutorials, joined the forums, and placed some ads.

So, you begin to work whatever system you have been taught, but by week number 2 or 3, for some reason, you seem to have lost some steam.

Then, after the end of your first month, it's all you can do to pick up the sales literature or log into your affiliate marketing system. You cringe when you see your credit card bill for your monthly investment in the business or your products. You aren't trying to contact prospects or sell your product. You haven't placed any ads, and you have been avoiding your sponsor.

Why? What happened?

To answer that, let's take a quick look at why you joined to begin with. If you were joining a home based business opportunity, did you just buy into the excitement at the meeting you attended where the top earners were marched across the stage and you could just picture yourself up there?

Or, if it was an internet marketing business opportunity, did you get excited by the video testimonials of the others who made a bunch of sales and had some big paychecks to show for it, and picture yourself as the next testimonial?

Why DID you join?

Let's say you joined a food or nutrition business opportunity. Do you enjoy eating those types of products? Do you even enjoy the field of nutrition?

What if you joined a financial services opportunity. Are the services offered of value to you? Do you use them? Do you need them? Are you interested in whatever financial services are offered to begin with?

Look around at the most successful and happiest people you know - in and out of internet and home based business opportunities. What do you notice about them? There is a particular local contractor who always seems busy, and always seems to have work. You might think he would be exhausted after a long day of running a construction crew. But, after visiting a yard sale at his home, I noticed that he had extensive landscaping, trellis work, decks, and additions to his home. I remarked how lovely the work was, and his response was, "Thank you. I love building. It's fun! It doesn't seem like work.".

You will notice that people who are successful marketing a travel opportunity tend to love travel, and use their product to take their own vacations. Have you noticed that the representatives who have the most devoted following for their candle or cosmetics parties are passionate about their products, and that they always use them in their own lives.

Have you ever noticed that writers are also avid readers? Or that most musicians who play instruments or sing also enjoy listening to music? In my case, I enjoy writing about internet marketing and home based business opportunities. When I'm at a restaurant or on a plane, you will typically see me bent over a Success or Entrepreneur Magazine.

This is really the key observation: Notice when someone's business and way of making a living has actually become a lifestyle. Most likely, these folks do what they love, and they love what they do; which means that they have played to their strengths, skills, talents, and interests which helped them determine their field, or in the case of the home based business or internet marketing based business industry, which affiliate program or opportunity to join.

So, it is important to examine the things you enjoy to begin with. Sounds simple, doesn't it?

If you enjoy travel, find at an opportunity that includes marketing travel. If you enjoy cosmetics, align yourself with an opportunity marketing make up or perfumes. You get the idea. I don't wear jewelry as a rule, so trying to recruit me to sell jewelry is a waste of time. It could be the best jewelry opportunity on Earth, but I will not be able to muster up the interest or energy to make a successful go at it.

It is also important to consider the structure of the opportunity. If you prefer working online and reaching a global audience, choose an opportunity that doesn't rely on face-to-face business presentations in your neighborhood. If you enjoy writing articles and internet marketing blogs, find an opportunity that encourages those activities as a means of marketing.

If you align yourself with an internet marketing business opportunity or other home based business opportunity that reflects the type of person you are: your interests, your passions, and your personal marketing style and strengths, you will find that you are more likely to enjoy working the business.

You might discover that you look forward to the work! You will be more likely to stick with it, and ultimately succeed, and thus getting to the point where there is little difference between your business and your lifestyle.

And that, my friend , is a great place to be!

About the author

Years of non-traditional life are really what shaped Kathy Tremblay's passions. Between working at a Colorado guest ranch, visits to New Zealand, and jobs in Antarctica, it's safe to say that life in a cubicle is not for her. To meet Kathy and grab a Free Copy of the eBook "It's Only Easy if You Know The Truth...Exposing The Lies, Myths And Hype To Help You Finally Succeed Online, visit here => Meet Kathy and Get Your Free eBook Here!