Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret To Increasing Your Money Power Every Day

Once you master the concept that time absolutely does not equal money, then you are well on the way to your entrepreneurial success. Understand that difference, and the results will be incredible.

It is said that time is money - well, in that equation, money is definitely second best! If you understand just how valuable time is and just how common money is, then your entire life can change.

To start with - the only truly valuable thing you have is time. We all have a limited, finite amount and we cannot create, buy o
steal any more! However, we can control how we spend our time and what we get back for it.

But society trains us to treat money as the most important thing in life. In my opinion - this is one of the cleverest forms of enslavement yet! Most people do not know how to simply create money on demand, so they sell their time for money, at a price set by somebody else. Then, as they need more money - they sell more of their time, until they no longer have enough time for themselves or to figure a way out of that trap. I don't know about you - but I have certainly been in that kind of job myself!

But - you are an entrepreneur - or at least you are looking for a way to change your current situation, so you have already realised that this is not all there is. So the first concept to grasp, and you are already on your way, is that time does not equal money. In fact, money simply does not have a chance in that comparison - but you do have to control where you put your time each day.

For example, you do not become wealthy by mowing your own yard, or cleaning your own car, or doing your own laundry. Now there is a caveat to that - I know several very successful people who listen to personal development while they do those things and they find the combination of physical activity and personal development to be very powerful - but generally you have got to lose those chores! In fact - you need to sit down and write down all of the things that you spend your time on each day, work out which ones you simply have to do yourself, and then find a way for someone else to do the rest.

This is delegation - a key skill. Donald Trump does not manage his empire single handedly - in fact, if you read his books, you will find that he actually spends a lot less time in the office that you probably do. So he delegates. And you can do the same - even if you do not have a lot of cash to start with. If you have kids, then they can take on some of the household chores. You might be surprised just how cheap a laundry service could be - including collection. Same for the yard work and the house work - as you become more successful you may well hire someone full time, but start looking for other ways to get these things done.

Now - start building your fortune with that time - split between personal development (you have GOT to work on you for this to happen) and building a business with a strong mentor. Take a look at my opportunity for sure, but, whatever you do, above all make sure that you get with a mentor, or mentors , that you relate to and is successful - then simply follow their lead. Run your life on entrepreneurial time and you will be rid of your boss in no time.

About the author

Understanding the finite nature of time and the infinite availability of money has enabled Gary to create one six-figure business from home already. Find out more about his second at his home business mentoring site.