Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is This Online Information Marketing Business Model Right For You?

Now IS THE TIME to take action in your business. It's time to think bigger, dream bigger, make bigger goals and take bigger leaps of faith in order to truly get the business and life of your dreams.

Now is NOT the time to sit around in your business holding on to your wallets and sitting frozen on what to do next. It's time to TAKE ACTION! No, I'm not suggesting you have to spend a lot of money either, although if you're really struggling or unsure of what to do, hiring a coach like me of course would be well worth the inves

What I want you to look at though is your current business model. Is it the same as it was 5 years ago (or more!)? If so, I would suggest you look at some opportunities and possibilities that are all around you to TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL.

I want to specifically talk about the 8 Steps to Starting Your Own Online Information Marketing Business.

If you are just starting out in business then pay attention too because this online information marketing business model is working for tens of thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world. There are billions of dollars being made online RIGHT NOW even in this economy.

People are still spending money. If the ones you're talking to are not spending then it's simple, you either need to talk to different people or create a product or service that people ARE BUYING right now.

It can be that simple.

- No, you don't have to know a lot about computers.

- No, you don't have to know how to design a website or blog.

- No, you don't need to travel all over the place meeting people.

You can do this from your home with a computer. You want to surround yourself with people and mentors to support you in building, growing and maintaining this business because when it's up and running and you're marketing it effectively you will be able to work from anywhere in the world if you want to. The business literally can run itself with a little bit of automation and systematization set up.

When I changed my entire business model to this model I immediately got back 50 hours per week that I was spending working on all my client's work or busywork. I spent that extra time developing new products and services, marketing, thinking bigger, building relationships, coaching with my coaches and mastermind group and traveling to events or networking locally to fill my funnel.

Most business owners that run traditional businesses or without this type of model don't have the time in the day, week or even each month to be doing such tasks. You may not have time to work ON your business like you need to really see it grow and to make more money!

So, where do you start?

Brainstorming for one.

Get with other people or a coach that is doing this type of business and throw some ideas around. Determine if there's a market for what you come up with and how the business will make a profit too; these things are often overlooked. Many people follow their passions first, start marketing or branding without even testing to see if anyone wants to buy what they're offering or if they can even turn a good profit?

Now IS THE TIME to take action in your business. It's time to think bigger, dream bigger , make bigger goals and take bigger leaps of faith in order to truly get the business and life of your dreams.

About the author

(c) Copyright 2009 K. Sawa Marketing International. Katrina Sawa is an Award-Winning Relationship Marketing Coach who's helped hundreds of small business owners take dramatic steps in their businesses to get them to the next level in business, revenues and life. She offers one-on-one coaching, group coaching and do-it-yourself marketing planning products. Go online now to get started with her Free Report and Free Audio at http://www.jumpstartyourmarketing.com